
Backed by OpenAI for Startup



AI Translator

AI Translator

Translate content on any website or app with a single click. Powered by GPT-4, Flot AI delivers context-aware accuracy effortlessly.

Translate content on any website or app with a single click. Powered by GPT-4, Flot AI delivers context-aware accuracy effortlessly.

Get Started

Rated #1 Al Writing and Memory Product 2024

Rated #1 Al Writing and Memory Product 2024

Trusted & loved by 720,000+ professionals from

Trusted & loved by 720,000+ professionals from

Elevating Translation: Beyond Words

Elevating Translation: Beyond Words

Powered by ChatGPT, Flot AI delivers precise, meaningful translations, moving beyond rigid word-for-word accuracy.

Powered by ChatGPT, Flot AI delivers precise, meaningful translations, moving beyond rigid word-for-word accuracy.

Work Across Any Website and App

Work Across Any Website and App

Highlight any text to translate with one click on any website or app. No copying, no pasting, no context switching.

Highlight any text to translate with one click on any website or app. No copying, no pasting, no context switching.

Beyond Translation: Simplify and Explain

Beyond Translation: Simplify and Explain

If a translation is hard to grasp, Flot AI simplifies it, providing clear explanations in simple language on demand.

If a translation is hard to grasp, Flot AI simplifies it, providing clear explanations in simple language on demand.

Multilingual Capabilities: Connect With the World

Multilingual Capabilities: Connect With the World

Support Over 200 Languages

Ask in Your Mother Tongue

Localized Answers

Support Over 200 Languages

Ask in Your Mother Tongue

Localized Answers

Beyond Grammar check

Beyond Grammar check

Your Comprehensive Writing Copilot

Your Comprehensive Writing Copilot

Flot AI does more than check grammar—it enhances your writing, paraphrases, translates, summarizes, adjusts tone, and more, ensuring your prose meets professional standards.

Flot AI does more than check grammar—it enhances your writing, paraphrases, translates, summarizes, adjusts tone, and more, ensuring your prose meets professional standards.

Improve writing

Pen your thoughts freely; let AI polish them to a master level.

Improve writing...

AI is writing...

Edit voice & tone

Rewrite your proposal with the confidence of a CEO.


Hey there!



Now you can write in Japanese, Spanish, German and more.



Quickly reply

Respond quickly to emails using context-specific prompts.


wants to know if you want

to chat about a job opportunity

Reply to this

Grammar check

Not only grammar and spelling check, but beyond and comprehensive.




Get rid of blank pages. Let Flot handle the ideas and the first draft.


AI is writing...

Beyond Writing Assistance

Beyond Writing Assistance

Your Second Brain That Remembers

Your Second Brain That Remembers

Easily store key details in Flot AI Memory and access them instantly with just a click—simply chat with Flot AI to search and retrieve your information.

Easily store key details in Flot AI Memory and access them instantly with just a click—simply chat with Flot AI to search and retrieve your information.

Step 2

Recall Anytime

Instantly access AI memory with a shortcut, anytime, anywhere.

Step 1

Save Anywhere

Highlight and click to save text into your AI memory from any app or website.

Step 1

Save Anywhere

Save Anywhere

Highlight and click to save text into your AI memory from any app or website.

Step 2

Recall Anytime

Instantly access AI memory with a shortcut, anytime, anywhere.

Less Cost, More Features

Less Cost,

More Features


Flot AI


Jasper AI

Notion AI



$67 for Lifetime





Works across any Apps & websites

AI Memory

(Personal knowledge base)

AI Chatbots

GPT-4 Access

Grammar correction

Compose draft & outlines

Expert prompts

Desktop app


Flot AI


Jasper AI

Notion AI



$67 for Lifetime





Works across any Apps & websites

AI Memory

(Personal knowledge base)

AI Chatbots

GPT-4 Access

Grammar correction

Compose draft & outlines

Expert prompts

Desktop app

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a free trial available?

Yes, you can choose between purchasing now or starting a free trial.

2. How do I cancel my subscription or refund?

Cancelling is easy! Do it through our website or app, with a simple process for subscribed users. If you need refund, please contact us: contact@flot.ai.

3. Do I need a ChatGPT Plus subscription if I have Flot?

No! Flot uses the same technology but at a much lower cost, eliminating the need for a ChatGPT Plus subscription.

4. What is Flot?

Flot is your AI partner, seamlessly blended into your daily workflow, enhancing your writing, reading, and memorization effortlessly.

5. Can Flot be used on any app or webpage?

Yes! Flot is designed to integrate seamlessly with any app or webpage on your computer, enhancing your workflow wherever you type or highlight text.

6. How does Flot compare to Notion AI and Grammarly?

Unlike specialized tools like Notion AI, Flot offers universal usage across various platforms, providing more features at a competitive price.

7. Does Flot support multiple languages?

Yes, Flot supports over 200 languages, allowing for questions and responses in your native language.

8. How can I get in touch for more queries?

Contact us via email or Discord, and we'll be glad to assist!

Still have questions?

We're here to assist you with any further questions! Please don't hesitate to contact us, and we'll be delighted to help.

Contact us

1. Is there a free trial available?

Yes, you can choose between purchasing now or starting a free trial.

2. How do I cancel my subscription or refund?

Cancelling is easy! Do it through our website or app, with a simple process for subscribed users. If you need refund, please contact us: contact@flot.ai.

3. Do I need a ChatGPT Plus subscription if I have Flot?

No! Flot uses the same technology but at a much lower cost, eliminating the need for a ChatGPT Plus subscription.

4. What is Flot?

Flot is your AI partner, seamlessly blended into your daily workflow, enhancing your writing, reading, and memorization effortlessly.

5. Can Flot be used on any app or webpage?

Yes! Flot is designed to integrate seamlessly with any app or webpage on your computer, enhancing your workflow wherever you type or highlight text.

6. How does Flot compare to Notion AI and Grammarly?

Unlike specialized tools like Notion AI, Flot offers universal usage across various platforms, providing more features at a competitive price.

7. Does Flot support multiple languages?

Yes, Flot supports over 200 languages, allowing for questions and responses in your native language.

8. How can I get in touch for more queries?

Contact us via email or Discord, and we'll be glad to assist!

1. Is there a free trial available?

Yes, you can choose between purchasing now or starting a free trial.

2. How do I cancel my subscription or refund?

Cancelling is easy! Do it through our website or app, with a simple process for subscribed users. If you need refund, please contact us: contact@flot.ai.

3. Do I need a ChatGPT Plus subscription if I have Flot?

No! Flot uses the same technology but at a much lower cost, eliminating the need for a ChatGPT Plus subscription.

4. What is Flot?

Flot is your AI partner, seamlessly blended into your daily workflow, enhancing your writing, reading, and memorization effortlessly.

5. Can Flot be used on any app or webpage?

Yes! Flot is designed to integrate seamlessly with any app or webpage on your computer, enhancing your workflow wherever you type or highlight text.

6. How does Flot compare to Notion AI and Grammarly?

Unlike specialized tools like Notion AI, Flot offers universal usage across various platforms, providing more features at a competitive price.

7. Does Flot support multiple languages?

Yes, Flot supports over 200 languages, allowing for questions and responses in your native language.

8. How can I get in touch for more queries?

Contact us via email or Discord, and we'll be glad to assist!


Write, read, and memorize with Al at your side.


Write, read, and memorize with Al at your side.